Monday, October 6, 2008

Reflection of Interview

I think that my interview went okay. I was really nervous during the first couple of minutes of the interview. My hands were shaking and I felt a little over heated. I dealt with the nervousness by trying to relax and taking my time to answer the questions. Many of questions were easy to answer and I believe that overall I answer them okay ,but there were some questions that kind of caught me off gaurd. The ones that caught me off guard, I just had to think a little harder and longer to answer. If I could change anything about the interview, I would change the way I spoke. I believe that I did not express myself the way I really wanted to. I maybe should have been a little more prepare. From the interview, I have learned to be a little more prepare and despite everything nervousness is something that can be dealt with and everyone suffers with it at some point during their life.

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